The Trade Remedies Authority of Vietnam organizes the Workshop "Raising awareness of trade remedies in the context of current international economic integration" in Ca Mau

On November 10, 2023, the Trade Remedies Authority (TRAV) in collaboration with the Department of Industry and Trade of Ca Mau successfully organized the Workshop "Raising awareness of trade remedies in the context of current international economic integration.”

The workshop had the participation of experts from the TRAV, Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), Leaders of the Department of Industry and Trade of Ca Mau, members of the Steering Committee for International Integration of Ca Mau, leaders of some departments, Local departments and branches and delegates representing relevant local state management agencies, associations, industries, manufacturing and exporting enterprises in the province, several cooperatives and law office.

At the Workshop, experts of the TRAV presented an overview of trade remedies in Vietnam; Assessed the current state of application of a number of legal regulations in the practice of investigating trade remedies cases; Disseminate and propagated for businesses to respond to trade remedies investigation lawsuits initiated by foreign countries on Vietnam export goods in the context of Vietnam’s participation in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).

Also at the Workshop, representatives of several businesses commented on issues related to the implementation of FTAs and trade remedies. Opinions were answered specifically and clearly by officers of the Trade Remedies Department; At the same time, shared information, experience, problems in production and business activities, import and export, and issues related to trade remedies.

Through the Workshop, the TRAV noted that businesses need to research and master trade remedies regulations; Proactively and actively coordinate among businesses for the mutual benefit of the domestic manufacturing industry; build a transparent accounting system, and follow Vietnam and international accounting standards; At the same time, it provides several recommendations for businesses and state management agencies to effectively handle trade remedies. If applied properly, trade remedy tools will be a shield to protect domestic manufacturing enterprises against unfair competition from imported goods, especially in the context that normal tariff barriers will be gradually reduced according to Vietnam's commitments in the process of international economic integration.

In the coming time, the TRAV will continue to coordinate with localities and relevant units to organize similar workshops and trainings to disseminate trade remedies laws, supporting businesses and state management agencies to be more proactive in handling and responding to foreign trade investigation cases as well as using trade defense tools allowed by law to protect interests. legitimate interests of domestic manufacturing enterprises./.

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